We need your feedback
The Diwali event was the biggest ever in the history of the CIC by a mile. It took hundreds of hours and a lot of resources to make it happen. But we know we are not perfect. It takes so much effort that somethings get left out. We make mistakes and we want you to tell us how we can avoid them in the future.
We want you to tell us your thoughts on Diwali 2014 by filling this feedback form. You can choose to be anonymous. We need your email only if you would like to help organize the event for next year. Even then, you can drop in your anonymous feedback and separately reach out to the board to help organize next year. Either way, we want to know how we can do this better next year.
It takes no more than 2 minutes to answer the few questions we have for you. We really, really appreciate you taking the time to do this.
And here is the NPO board introduction video if you missed it.